Delta Residential Building
The dynamic play of the rotations on the Rubik’s cube gives rise to a building design that exudes a modernist vibe with a dash of artistic flair.
This dramatic volume is a result of the history of art affecting architecture. The multi-storey residential unit is located in a neighborhood with particular significance because it is adjacent to the former Kinostudio Shqipëria e Re or the present Albanian National Center of Cinematography.
The twist in volume allows the building to indulge in a playful game of light and shadow. The use of glass panels and wide balconies with a splash of fiber cement creates a cinematic view.
A structure exists in a specific environment, and architecture is a discipline that doesn’t take place in nothingness. Therefore, for it to function correctly, it must engage in a close conversation with its environment.
As a dynamic structure, Delta Residence requires a rather interactive surrounding landscape to enhance its playfulness. Circular green benches covered in greenery stand side by side with the vertical and horizontal vegetation that add a magical touch to the landscape. The common open spaces work in perfect independence while simultaneously being complementary to the building.